
02. May 2022

African Language Teaching | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 13

This month’s question is: “What is your opinion on the state of African language teaching, and what is your utopian vision for it?”

01. April 2022

Oral Literature Initiative | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 12

This month’s question is: “Let’s pretend that you’ve been given a generous yearly budget and the task of creating a way to highlight and celebrate great African oral literature. What initiative would you create and what would it look like?”

01. March 2022

An Alien's-Eye View | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 11

This month’s question is: “Let’s pretend that you’re an extraterrestrial flying down to earth and visiting your academic setting and field of study for the first time. What do you find strange about it?”

01. February 2022

Why Study Afrikanistik? | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 10

This month’s question is: “Let’s pretend that you’re approached by a brand-new high school graduate who isn’t sure what to major in and they ask you what it is you like about Afrikanistik/African Studies so much. What do you tell them?”