Flag of Study | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 18
This month’s question is: “Let’s pretend you’ve been asked to create a flag to represent your academic field. What colors and elements would you integrate and why? If you would like to draw your flag, you may send it to us and we will show it as a visual aid during your contribution!”
Language in Education Policy | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 17
This month’s question is: “Let’s pretend that the minister of education of an African country comes to you and asks you to help develop a new language policy in the education system. Do you agree to help? If not, why not? If so, what sort of policies would you create?”
Custom Radio Program | Afrikanists Assemble | Episode 16
This month’s question is: “Let’s pretend that a radio station in Germany that wants to feature exclusively African content approaches you and asks you to create a weekly program. You have the rights to air anything you want for two hours every week. What kind of program do you make?”